Friday, January 23, 2009

The dipper

If you know and love a Newson, you know that they LOVE to dip their food!  Sandwiches in milk, pizza in dressing, cookies, crackers - whatever!  I am not much of a dipper - or at least I wasn't until several years into our marriage!  Cole has now shown that he has this dominant Newson trait as well - he loves to dip his raisin toast into his yogurt in the morning! Yummy!  It just makes me laugh - like father, like son!


The Newson Family said...

Too Funny!! Our girls have the newson dippy trait as well.

Natalie Taylor said...

Andrew was dipping his pizza in ranch dressing and I was like - why do you do that? He said, "I got bored with the taste so I needed to make it taste different." What a weirdo!